What is your Mindset as a Training Designer?

The Modern Learner is different.
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As a training designer, you have always to remember that modern learners are not 10-year children at school.

Modern learners are adults and many of them with decades of experience. 

Learners might already know what we suppose to teach them or they might be able to figure it out quickly with just a little help. Their goal is to get things done at work and not to pass a test. We all know this but the school model had influenced us a lot.  
Instead of focusing on asking what our learner supposedly needs to know, we should ask what does he need to do and what is keeping him from doing it. 
Whatever it is, we have to consider that he is doing it in a complex world, using a mix of knowledge and experience he already has.
Additionally, he is using the only tools available to him in his specific workplace with politics, inefficiencies and pressures that exist in every workplace. 

We need to examine all of these before we assume that the problem is just his empty head and we need to fill it with knowledge.
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Check your mindset as training designer.

REMEMBER: You must help your learners to get things done at work and not to pass a test. 

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