Our Professional Team Members

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  • Provide the vision, goals, and requirements for the eLearning project.
  • Ensure alignment with organisational objectives and approve major decisions.

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Project Manager

  • Oversees the project from inception to completion.
  • Manages timelines, resources, and communication among team members to ensure the project stays on track

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Instructional Designer

  • Develops the instructional strategy and course structure.
  • Creates storyboards, scripts, and assessment tools to ensure effective learning experiences 

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Subject Matter Expert (SME)

  • Provides in-depth knowledge and content expertise on the subject matter.
  • Reviews and validates the accuracy and relevance of the course content

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eLearning Developer

  • Transforms instructional designs into interactive eLearning modules.
  • Uses authoring tools and software to develop multimedia elements, animations, and interactive activities

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Multimedia Designer

  • Creates multimedia and visual elements, including graphics, layouts, and animations, to enhance the learning experience.
  • Ensures the visual design is engaging and consistent with the course objectives

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Quality Assurance

  • Reviews the eLearning modules to ensure they meet quality standards and function correctly.
  • Conducts testing to identify and resolve any technical issues or content errors

Our Process


  • Conduct a training needs analysis to identify the objectives and requirements of the course.
  • Define the target audience and their learning preferences.
  • Set measurable goals for the eLearning program.


  • Create a project plan outlining the scope, timeline, and resources required.
  • Develop the Instructional Design Document (IDD) to outline the instructional approach and high-level design of the course.


  • Draft a storyboard that maps out the course content, interactions, and multimedia elements.
  • Develop user profiles and scenarios to ensure the content is relevant and engaging for the learners.


  • Build the eLearning content using authoring tools and integrate videos, animations quizzes, AI, etc.
  • Perform iterative reviews and testing to ensure the content meets quality standards and aligns with the ID.


  • Deploy the eLearning course to the Learning Management System (LMS) or the chosen platform.
  • Provide necessary training and support to instructors and learners to ensure smooth adoption.


  • Collect feedback from learners and stakeholders to assess the effectiveness of the eLearning course.
  • Analyze the data to identify areas for improvement and make necessary adjustments to enhance the learning experience

Our Tools

Scenario based learning &
real life case studies

Users are required to make necessary choices as per the scenario to advance through the course which makes the learning process fun;
this also gives a practical application of user's  knowledge from the main course.
It reinforces concepts and results in better knowledge retention.
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Interactive Videos &
Visuals to reinforce your ideas

Pause or playback a video as required, to get a better understanding of the subject matter. Use the simple whiteboard animation videos to break up difficult or boring concepts from the larger eLearning course.
Videos, scenarios and interactivity combination create a lasting impression in the minds of learners.

What is
Microlearning ?

Micro-learning is not a substitute for traditional online training, but a complementary part of a larger program. For example: 
Doctors could employ microlearning to memorize medical terms, but it’s not a credible method to study pathology.
Andreas Apostolopoulos
Founder and CEO

Why do we use Microlearning ?


Respond faster to changing business goals and training demands.


Mini-courses that give either a broad overview of a subject or a complex topic. 


Micro-training is the most engaging training delivery method available.


Micro-learning units are small, self-contained and easy to return to. 
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It’s no secret that microlearning is taking the world of education by storm.

Bite-sized information that is focused and can be absorbed on the go, anytime, on any device.

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